Levi made my first Mother's Day so special and fun, I can't wait for next year already! :)Hestarted the morning out by taking Teagan after his early morning feeding so I could sleepin for another hour or so - that in itself is a gift! Then he brought me breakfast in bed (eventhough we were going out to breakfast, it would still be a few hours), and it was more like sweets in bed. . .donuts! He sure knows the way to my heart :)
After I ate my two favorites; a maple bar and a sprinkle ;) I read the card that he got me. . .on the back of it was a note. I ripped the note from the card and started reading:
It's Mother's Day as you know,
Hopefully it won't go by too slow.
Since you are the best mom around,
Each clue you get must be found.
Sorry but Mason and T can't help you,
Only a Mother's intuition can get you through.
A room beautifully decorated you seek,
On the mattress you must have a peak!
So off I went to find my first clue. When I found it in Teagan's room, it was attached to a bag of dark chocolate M&M's...mmmm chocolate :) The next clue read:
Man you really are amazing,
What an amazing boy you are raising.
Teagan wants you to go to another floor,
He thinks there might be more.
A place where work is done,
And gets a lot of morning sun.

I headed to our office area to find flowers and my next clue, which read:
If you found another clue,
I believe that makes two.
What you seek is not here,
And it isn't near the beer.
Stairs need to be walked down,
Only friends will get you to the crown!!!
I headed down stairs straight to our entertainment center since I knew that is where we keep our Friends dvds. And there it was, my very own sewing machine!!!
I was so surprised and soo excited! I had just taken a sewing class at Joann's the night before. I didn't think I would be getting a sewing machine until my birthday! I couldn't wait to open it and tell Levi everything I already knew from my sewing class. I have a few projects lined up and I can hardly wait to start sewing!
Thanks Levi and mom and dad for a wonderful Mother's Day gift!
After my big surprise we headed over to Scottsdale to have breakfast at a lovely place called Over Easy. They have this wonderful meal called The Wolfpack. What's not to love about hash browns, egg, bacon, cheese, repeat. It pared loving with a Mother's Day mimosa :) Teagan slept through the entire breakfast, how nice of him to let us eat!

After breakfast we headed over to an outdoor shopping center called Scottsdale Quarter. It reminds me of a place you would find in Orange County. Maybe that's why I love going there?! Its full of lots of great shops and places to eat. We walked around and shopped in a few stores. Levi was being oh-so-sweet and even encouraged me to try on and find a bathing suit I liked at H&M. Levi, encourage shopping?! It MUST be a special day :)

We ended the day at the Luster's celebrating as a big family. It was such a fun and exciting day I will always remember.