Part of Levi's job consist of traveling all over the US to maintain his company's branches. Right now he travels about every other week or so. Its fun to hear where he gets to go, some are exciting, and some are not so exciting..."your going where?!". I've been lucky enough to go on a few trips with him, one of the benefits of him traveling =) So when he found out he had to go to Charlotte, North Carolina I was so excited! Most of my mom's family is from there, and I haven't been out there since high school. And who can pass up the opportunity to visit family?! So come one, come y'all! ;)

We had a great time spending time with our family. The weather was pretty poopy so we stayed inside for most of time and just chit chatted and ate some pretty good food! We played a few games, one being
bunco. It got a little crazy,we all had a blast! We were also able to see where my cousin Heidi works, its a little bridal boutique called
J. Majors, its a very chic! We wish we all lived closer so we could see each other more. But we hope to return to Carolina in the near future ;)

On the way to meet the was a long day of traveling ;)

My guest room at Aunt Sassy's

Oh, so cute!

Heidi & I

The boys playing us girls.....of course we won!! =)

Uncle Cliff, Aunt Sassy, Ashley & Levi

Beautiful North Carolina