About Me

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Hi, my name is Ashley. My husband Levi and I have been married for 2 1/2 years now. Marriage is fun, exciting, sometimes hard, and always entertaining. We have one dog, Mason, and a baby boy on the way! Our life is always on the go and this is an account to it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lately I have really been enjoying cooking. I've been trying new recipes every night, and I've loved it! Maybe its our nice size island, I don't know, but cooking and baking are so much fun! Levi is always a good sport, we talk about each new dinner and whether we would eat it again or not. It's so funny because as soon as he takes the first bite he always says "its good love!" But I laugh because he hasn't even chewed it yet :) He's so sweet. Most of the time it is pretty good though ;)

A couple of months ago I found a chocolate chip cookie recipe and I was itching to try it. I can't remember the last time I made cookies! But with the move and being in California a lot I never got around to it until recently. Here are some pictures of the process...enjoy!

All the ingredients


Ta Da!

Levi managed to sneak in about 2 or 3 before dinner that night. I'm pretty sure I'll be making these again :)


  1. Yummy!! I wanted to make cookies last night and didn't have chocolate chips:( Love anything sweet:) Enjoy the new house!!
