I originally started this post in June, after I found out I was pregnant. Since then I have added to it and tried to document the events that took place and all the emotions that go with it. I hope you enjoy reading my journey of finding out I'm pregnant.
After numerous talks, jokes, discussion and lots of prayer, Levi and I decided. . . it was time.
Dun dun da dahhhhh!!!!
Ok, so it didn't go exactly like that. That's probably how I pictured it to go being a planner and all. But it did involve tons of talk and lots of prayer. And our story goes a little like this. . .
It was a typical Monday, Levi worked in the morning and I was trying to concur being a stay at home wife until I found a job.
Side note...At the time, I was trying to figure out when I was ovulating so my acupuncturist could adjust the needles based on that information. {I was doing acupuncture in preparation for when the time came for us to start trying} I only had 2 ovulation sticks left and so far, I was never ovulating when I checked. I kind of gave up trying, and since we weren't really trying at this point, it wasn't too big of a deal.
After we had lunch I decided for the heck of it to try an ovulation stick and I couldn't believe my eyes, I was ovulating! Relieved to know that I am ovulating, I mentioned to Levi the good news. At least we know I ovulate. Well Levi decided to inform me that the giant box of 'protection' that we had {since I've been off birth control for a year} had some how....run out! What are the odds?!
So nonchalantly Levi mentions we should probably give it a try, wink wink.
I laugh. . .ohh Levi.
Yet in my mind I'm mentally trying to really read him.
He smiles that smirk that only his wife would know.
The next day I used the last ovulation stick for the heck of it and to my surprise I wasn't ovulating. Huh, weird...oh well...we'll figure it when the time comes. In the next couple of days and weeks I noticed I had cramps {which I shouldn't have for a couple weeks} and was peeing more then normal. Huh....that's weird...............no, I couldn't be...could I?!.......
Several weeks later we were off to California for a week to see our friends and family. (The post below this, is the trip I am talking about) While we were in San Diego we made a run to Target to get some USA Soccer decor for the big game {which they ended up losing, but I made a pretty sweet sign nonetheless} and I ran and I grabbed a box of pregnancy tests; just in case I needed them. Do you pay for the expensive ones? Do I get the Target brand? Does it matter since it's probably going to be negative anyways? Ok, I'll get the middle of the road one, just in case. I didn't necessarily need to take the test now but since I had them. . .I really couldn't wait. So I nonchalantly went to the bathroom, did what I need to do and then waited. Thinking that this couldn't really be "the moment," I was more looking for'1 pink line' so I could get on with things and actually enjoy a few sips of wine, getting ready for our Napa trip in a few weeks.
When I looked at the stick it was 1 solid line and 1 very faint line. Perfect. What does that mean?! Well, I'll worry about it later. I went on with my business - watched USA play and enjoyed the beach with my family. All the mean while thinking, "Could I be pregnant??' I checked the test again, even though it was a few hours later. . .same results. I decided to check the pamphlet inside to see if it said anything that would be helpful. I scrolled down the sheet until I got to the part under PREGNANT that said, "there can be 1 faint line and 1 bold line."

But it was soo faint, how could this stick realllly be sure?! Throughout the day I was filling Levi in on all the happenings, told him about what the pamphlet said, but continued to act nonchalant about it because again, this is not how I pictured founding out I was pregnant! I just continued to leave him with an unanswered question. . .The next few days we spent in Orange County and of course the information I held was like a big elephant in the room. It was always on my mind but I was just trying to enjoy our time with our friends and each other. Ultimately, I would have loved it if we were home and I didn't have to worry about doing this amongst the chaos. But that's the beauty of it, it was all God's timing, not ours. And it makes for quite a story! :)
Monday night I was staying with my friend Lisa and we were up late talking about this and that and one thing let to another and we got on the subject of when Levi and I were going to start trying to have a baby. After telling Lisa that we kind of already started, I told her about possibly being pregnant. After running through all the details with her we decided I would take another test in the morning and then we would go to the walk-in clinic down the street to take a blood test to be absolutely positive. So that was the plan, I would take a second test in the morning, then have a blood test done.
Monday night couldn't go by fast enough.
Tuesday morning came. . .as well as another pregnancy test with 1 bold line and 1 line. . .bolder then the last. Ok. Soo I think I'm pregnant, is what my brain was telling me, but it still did not register in my heart. It didn't feel real. How can I believe a stick to tell me the most important news of my life?! Regardless of the results, Lisa and I were off to the walk in clinic down the street. Never did I imagine finding out I was pregnant in California AND at a walk-in clinic that I've been to in the past while I was at Vanguard. So surreal, again, common theme here. . .
A couple of looooong minutes past by as we waited in the waiting room. I couldn't believe I was there, and it was really happening. When my name was called my heart rate jumped up just as fast and I jumped out of my seat. They took my weight and then had me do a urine sample in a cup. After that a nurse took some of my information and told me the doctor would be right in. Again....sitting there waiting seemed like eternity. Although, it was only minutes later when the doctor came in and shared the news:
"Hi, I'm doctor so and so. Well...you're pregnant!"
I was so caught off guard because I was expecting her to talk to me first and then take my blood, I don't even remember her name! All I could do was muster, "I am?" And that was it. It was official. I'm really pregnant. Instantly, a rush of emotions came over me. It's almost a hard feeling to describe. I was shocked, stunned, relieved, excited, nervous, and everything else all at once. Then she gave me a due date and that was another wave of emotions, making it feel more real then before.
I walked out of there in a daze. . .now thinking 100 things at once yet nothing at all. With the recurring thought that I am really pregnant.
Soon after we got in the car and drove away I began to think of how I was going to tell Levi. . . . .
To be continued!