Telling Levi:
The day I found out I was pregnant I was suppose to pick Levi up from his friends and take him to the airport because he was leaving that day to go back to Arizona to get back to work. I couldn't believe I found out on a day that Levi was leaving and I wouldn't see him until Friday! I had to quickly decided if I tell him now or wait until I get home. I decided I couldn't tell him now only because I would have to tell him on the way to airport (very unromantic don't you think?!) and then I wouldn't see him for 3 days. . .so my only other option was to wait.
It was a looooong week in California holding in that kind of information! Seeing my friends and spending time with my family, I was trying not to act suspicious!
Friday finally came. . .I drove back to Arizona, and got home later in the afternoon. I couldn't wait to be home for so many reasons. I wanted to see Levi and I was simply exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep! That evening Levi's family was going out for Tess's birthday so all I needed to do was get through Friday night so I could tell Levi in the morning.
It was 4th of July that day and as soon as we were both awake I told Levi that I had something planned for the day, kind of a surprise. I made him wait in the bedroom while I did some preparation for the 'surprise.' I apparently had high hopes for everything I was going to do but when the morning came, I felt so blah. I could barely blow up the balloons! :)When I was finished I had him walk out to the kitchen, with a blindfold on, where I had put together some decorations. I had him sit in a chair and listen to what I was going to tell him.
I told him that I had been lying to him for a little while. I said I really wasn't shopping with Lisa on Tuesday morning like I said I was (when I was actually at the doctors office), I told him I didn't participate in the games for Tess's birthday the night before (activities you can't do while your pregnant), not because of my knee, but for something else, and then I told him that I lied and didn't tell him what the pregnancy tests really said.
I took off his blindfold and without waiting a second longer I giddily said, "I'm PREGNANT!"
He was very excited and it was a sweet little moment with the two of us.
It was such a relief to finally tell him. And even more of a relief to finally have it out in the open. I didn't feel like I could relax until this moment. Levi asked me what I wanted to do all day. We had some 4th of July plans later that evening but. . .all I wanted to do was lay in bed!
And that's exactly what we did.
Allllll day.
We watched 3 Star War movies in a row, in between napping.
It was a wonderful 4th of July :)
Telling our families:
The next week we were having Levi's family over for Mike and Debbie's anniversary. The girls made a nice big dinner and everything tasted so good! It was kind of hard to eat because I was starting to get nervous with sharing our news. After dinner we hung out and talked a little bit and then we gave Mike and Debbie a gift to open. Debbie was the one opening it up. It was a frame that came in a box. She opened it up, read what it said and let out a loud,"AHHHHH!" She showed Mike and then the rest of the family. We told them our story and talk about all the fun and exciting details. It was a fun evening but we didn't take pictures like I wanted to :( Just one of the frame:

That same week we were going to Napa to meet my family for the weekend. Obviously, I had to tell them at the beginning of this trip! We were going with a couple of my parent's friends who live in Napa. They had the whole weekend planned out; what wineries we were going to, where we were going to eat, etc. I made a phone call to Janice, the wife of our friends, and that was all it took. I mentioned was that I was pregnant and I wanted to tell my family the first day, possibly over dinner. Maybe the restaurant where we were going to could write on their plates, 'congratulations grandma.' Janice took the idea and ran with it. For the first day that we were there I was served Ginger Ale instead of Champagne, the women conveniently skipped a winery before dinner time. And during dinner I just so happen to pass on wine at the table.
Once they brought the desert plates out to everyone, I was nervous yet relieved that it was finally out in the open. Everyone was soo excited and it was a wonderful and great surprise. My dad wanted to start calling his friends but we have to tell them to wait since it was still early and we weren't telling people yet. That was probably the only bad news they got all day!
"Are you serious?!"
"I'm going to be a grandpa!"