I am falling behind on my blogging! With work, vacations, being sick, I couldn't keep up! Hopefully I will catch up soon! :)
Levi and I both have birthday's in August, 2 weeks apart in fact. August is always a fun month since we both have fun things to look forward to. We were in California for my birthday and celebrated it with my family. In the morning my mom and I went down to Orange County to go shopping and of course, go to Jack's on the beach for strips with cheese! My favorite lunch! I've been having those since high school! After that, we had dinner with the rest of my family and then opened gifts. My mom numbered the gifts this year since it was Friday the 13th, so I got 13 gifts to open. The tags she made were so cute and they matched the wrapping paper and ribbon perfectly.
Levi got to open his birthday presents from my family that night too
That's a hammock in that small pouch!
The next day Levi and I drove back to Arizona. That was the day that Levi set aside to celebrate my birthday, just the two of us. He had decorated the house, wrapped all my presents and best of all, made an EXCELLENT dinner! He even made cupcakes AND frosted them! Everything was sooo yummy! What a great husband I have!

Then two weeks later we got to celebrate Levi's birthday. We celebrated together and then with his family. I made the decorations around the house, all to match the wrapping paper I used for his gifts. It was fun to see our house so festive :)

Mason could hardly contain his excitement. . .

His mom made him his favorite cake: German Chocolate :)

Happy Late Birthday too the both of you!!! Also congrats on having a BOY!! They are awesome and a little wild;)