About Me

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Hi, my name is Ashley. My husband Levi and I have been married for 2 1/2 years now. Marriage is fun, exciting, sometimes hard, and always entertaining. We have one dog, Mason, and a baby boy on the way! Our life is always on the go and this is an account to it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

When it rains...it poor's, literally!

About a month ago I was sitting at the computer getting some work done. I had the window open and was throughly enjoying the cooler weather! I could tell there was a storm brewing in the distance and I could even hear some thunder. The breeze felt so nice, it wasn't too cold, but cold enough to remind us that winter is approaching, and I was loving it. Within a couple of minutes, maybe 10 max, I started seeing some sprinkles in the street. Yeah, its sprinkling, I thought. It didn't seem like a lot or that it would be picking up anytime soon. Boy, was I wrong!

All of a sudden it got very dark and started raining. . .hard. The wind really picked up, too. I closed the window and kept working on the computer, wondering where this storm came from? Only a couple of minutes later is just kept getting worse and worse. Like, reallllly worse. It started hailing, the wind was so strong, the trees next to our house were banging against the windows, making me wonder if it was a bad idea to be sitting right here with the computer. And the hail - it was coming in like a freight train! All of a sudden I go into severe weather warning mode! Whenever this happens I grab the following:

Rain coat
Fishing boots

I've learning that when storms pass through Arizona, they don't give you much warning, they hit hard and leave before you know it. And that's what happened with this storm. This might have been one of the worst storms I've been in. The hail was hitting the house so loudly that I couldn't even hear Levi on the phone, and I was waiting for a window to break any second. I was pretty nervous being there alone, I wasn't sure if I should watch or run and hide. I choose to watch since it was happening so fast and it was pretty crazy to see!

It literally was over in 20 minutes. Once the hail stopped I went outside to survey the damage. Our spa cover got wrecked but that was it for us. Many people had uprooted trees, broken windows, and even Levi's mom's car had several dints from the hail!

Here's a video I took during the storm from inside the house

After. . .
Mason was a little hesitant at first

Some of the hail was HUGE!


  1. It looked and sounded like golf balls falling outside your house! You wouldn't ever think of that for AZ!
