December was a very busy month for Levi and I. On top of being pregnant, traveling to California and the normal Christmas craziness like parties and plays and Christmas shopping, we had to move! Oh the joys of packing and unpacking around the holidays :)
At school, Christmas was a fun theme to celebrate the month of December. The kids were extra hyper and excited the whole month...some how it happens right before they go on break. Nonetheless they were very fun to be around. Their faces lit up at the mention of. . .SANTA! They would all get so giddy and their eyes would get big at the thought of Santa coming to their town. We practiced Christmas songs every day of school to get ready for the Christmas concert. Most of the songs had hand motions to them so it was fun watching them practice them in class. I eventually started singing the songs at home (they get stuck in your head so easily!) and soon enough I heard Levi singing them. He wasn't quite as thrilled about it as I was, haha.
One of my responsibilities during the day is to do 'snack'. Usually it is done while they are at 'centers', so I get about 4-5 kids at one time. Well during snack time one day I started asking them what they asked Santa for, for Christmas. I quickly realized that I should be writing this down. So for your enjoyment, here is what the average 4 year old wants for Christmas:
"A real horse and a toy duck" - Andy
"Barbies" - Leslie
"A little computer and a toy vacuum" - Maddie
"A big foot monster truck" - Ryan and Brayden
"It's a secret" - Olivia
"A princess bike" - Madison
"A real Micky Mouse house" - Chandler
"I don't know..." - Alex
Christmas concert with all the 2-4 year olds
Our last day before break. They got to wear their pj's and have hot chocolate while watching Polar Express. Then the parents came and had a few activities for them to do as well.

One of the many crafts we did - their hand print turned into a Christmas tree!
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